Friday, September 20, 2013

My Week Without Social Media

So remember in my last post how I said that I had a feeling that I'd have at least one day where I would have a really hard time with this experiment? Thursday, is that day. I don't know if it was hard because I had it in my head that it might happen, or if it was just a hard day.
It wasn't even Facebook or Instagram that was really the problem, although I do really miss both of those social medias, it was just one.
It's a newer social media, and I just found it in June, but I am pretty much addicted. Which is sad.
Vine is where you post a 6 second video, and that's it. Sounds boring, but people get really creative and it's awesome, but sometimes I'm on Vine for a long, long time.
Thursday was hard, but I got through it, and today (Friday) has been much easier!
So hopefully I can make it through the next couple of days. :P
In all seriousness though, if I had to give up all social media forever, I could do it. I know it sounds like I have this dependency on social medias, but I don't. I think that it comes off that way because I've gone 5 days without it, and it is hard. But I do think it is good for me
❤ Katie

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