Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Week Without Social Media: Wednesday

Wednesday, a day that is bittersweet.
It means that the weekend is coming, I've tackled half the week. It also means there are still two more days until the refuge of the weekend is mine. I can do this!
Still getting so much easier! I can't believe it! I even got to a point where I was actually enjoying that fact that I have no idea of what is happening in the lives of everyone I know. It's somehow, freeing. So nice, and so worth it actually!
So I was in my own for most of this evening, and unfortunately I didn't really do anything productive. BUT I did get three cookbooks from the library, so hopefully I can get started on those ASAP!
There was a lot less of the not knowing what do to with myself, and a lot more of just enjoying life, which is something I enjoy immensely.
Who knew giving up social medias for a week could have such a positive outcome? And there is still a few days left!!! I have this strange feeling though where I'll have a day that is extremely difficult. I guess I'll have to cope with it, if or when it comes.
I'm also incredibly proud of how disciplined I am through all this, haven't given in once. I didn't really think that I would give in though.
Well those are the most significant things that happened today.
I'm sure that tomorrow will bring more interesting discoveries, or maybe not.
Either way, I will keep you updated!

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